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Coronavirus Pandemic

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⏩It’s all over the news. People hear about it and talk about it .

⏩According to Worldometers, the number of cases has passed 417,000 people and whole countries have gone into .

⏩According to recent statistics, one projection has estimated that a staggering 160 million to 214 million people in the U.S. could be over the course of the !!!

⏩Amid this outbreak… Schools are closed.

⏩Businesses are directing their employees to work from home.

⏩Millions are in agony, in fear and are confined to their homes because of what they are being bombarded with from the media, from social media - 24/7!!!

⏩Imagine what people are going through right now, watching the news, reading posts everywhere… “Contagion”, “new cases”, “lockdown”, “stay at home” are the main headlines people see and hear everyday…

Our content contains and practical ideas that will bring , joy and inspiration in such dire times.

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Coronavirus Pandemic

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